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Cracking the 100 Yards and In Code:



Chipping Fundamentals

Shot Selection - which club to choose and why? 

Reading of the lie 

Putting Stroke dynamics and pace control



The cost for the day will be £100 Members £80 (Juniors will receive a £25 reduction)


Dates 2023:


Friday 24th March

Wednesday 19th April

Saturday 29th April 

Friday 12th May 

Tuesday 13th June

Friday 7th July

Tuesday 25th July 



Turn your 100 yards and In into a

High performing Machine:


Trajectory and Spin control

Tough Lies

Pitching understanding through GC Quad analysis

Practice games and pre round drills

Putting Green Reading 


The cost for the day will be £115 Members £95 

(Juniors will receive a £25 reduction)


Dates 2023:


Saturday 27th May

Saturday 24th June

Friday 21st July

The days are full proof ways to improve your short game. You will learn the fundamentals of the short game, how to 'read the lie' and all the ways to match up the 3 elements of Putting.  I have been trusted by some of the best Tour Professional’s in the Europe with their 100 yards and in games and you can also receive the information given to these Tour Professionals.


There will be an Advanced Short Game day for those who have attended the 'Cracking the 100 Yards and In code' where you will get into how to play from tougher lies and master the art of Pitching.


The day will take place at Eaton Golf Club from 10:00am to 15:30pm. Lunch will be included. 


Numbers will be limited to 6 people per day. 





'Many of the things Graham showed us used to be seen as unorthodox and were quite an eye opener. Not only were the sessions fun, but they seem to have had a lasting beneficial effect and if anyone is struggling with their short game (as I was) then they are well worth a try.'

Booking Form
Register your interest below:
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